A. The location of PAS1 residues M52, Y119 and W151 based on the structure of the P. aeruginosa Aer2 PAS domain (Airola et al., 2013a).
B. The behavior of full-length VcAer2 mutants in BT3388 compared with WT VcAer2 (which caused ~50% tumbling in air and ~2% tumbling in N2). Mutants with WT behavior exhibited 30–55% tumbling in air; signal-off mutants exhibited 2–5% tumbling in air; signal-off biased mutants exhibited 10–25% tumbling in air; >WT mutants exhibited 80–98% tumbling in air. All of these mutants exhibited ~2% tumbling in N2. In contrast, the signal-on-biased mutants caused 95–98% of cells to tumble in air, but had 20–50 sec delayed smooth-swimming (~2% tumbling, W151F and W276L) or incomplete smooth swimming (50–80% tumbling, W276F) responses in N2.
C. Average heme content of PAS peptides with amino acid substitutions, given as a percentage of WT PAS1 (left panel) or WT PAS2 (right panel) heme content, corrected for peptide concentration. VcAer2 [165–678] heme content is given as a percentage of full-length VcAer2 [1–678] heme content. Values below 15% indicate a substantial heme-binding defect. Error bars represent standard deviations from two to five experiments.
D. PAS peptide O2 and CO binding affinities. A dash indicates that O2-bound spectra were not observed, so no binding affinity was determined.