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. 2018 Oct 19;6:245–251. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2018.09.010

Table 2.

List of included studies evaluating public health interventions’ impact by SES.

Lead author Date Country Country Intervention Outcome measured SES measure EPHPP quality score Subgroup analysis credibility score
Batis et al. (2016) Mexico Taxation of foods and sugar sweetened beverages Purchases of packaged foods Education level and ownership of household assets Weak 7
*Brownson et al. (1996) USA Health education; community based education % change of the % of people who consume five portions of fruit and vegetables per day Education level Moderate 1
*Carcaise-Edinboro, McClish, Kracen, Bowen, and Fries (2008) USA Health education; Tailored feedback and self-help dietary intervention Mean fruit and vegetable intake score Education level Strong 4
Colchero et al. (2016) Mexico Taxation of sugar sweetened beverages Purchases of sugar sweetened beverages Education level and ownership of household assets Weak 4
*Connett and Stamler (1984) USA Dietary counselling intervention Change in serum cholesterol (mg/dl) Household income Moderate 5
*Curtis, Adamson, and Mathers (2012) UK Health education: Cooking fair with cooking lessons accompanying personalised dietary goal settings % change in mean food energy from fat Area level index of multiple deprivation Moderate 6
*Havas et al. (1998) USA Health education: healthy nutrition program aimed at adult women Change in mean daily servings consumed of fruit and vegetables Education level Moderate 3
*Havas et al. (2003) USA Dietary counselling intervention % change in fruit and vegetables consumed Education level Moderate 5
*Holme, Hjermann, Helgeland, and Leren (1985) Norway Dietary counselling intervention % change in cholesterol Social class Moderate 3
*Hughes et al. (2012) England School based intervention Change in portions of fruit and vegetables consumed Area level index of multiple deprivation Moderate 5
Jones, Taylor, Whittle, Evans, and Trotter (1997) UK Water fluoridation Tooth decay Area level index of multiple deprivation Moderate 6
*Jouret et al. (2009) France Health education: healthy nutrition program aimed at children Change in % of children overweight Area level index of multiple deprivation Strong 3
*Lowe, Horne, Tapper, Bowdery, and Egerton (2004) UK Health education: Healthy nutrition program aimed at children % change in vegetables observed consumed Free school meal entitlement Weak 5
Nelson, Cooper, and Jackson (1995) UK Privatisation on employees of regional water authority Employer job satisfaction and wellbeing Occupation Weak 5
*Plachta-Danielzik et al. (2007) Germany Health education: healthy nutrition programme aimed at children Change in % prevalence of overweight Parental education level Weak 8
Vander Ploeg, Maximova, McGavock, Davis, and Veugelers (2014) School-based physical activity programmes 10–11 year old school children Physical activity levels Household income and parental education level Moderate 7
*Reynolds et al. (2000) USA Health education: healthy nutrition programme aimed at children Portion of fruit and vegetables consumed Household income Moderate 3
*Smith, Owen, and Baghurst (1997) Australia Health education: healthy nutrition programme aimed at adults Change in fat density consumed (g/4200 kcal) Occupational prestige Moderate 6
*Sorensen et al. (1998) USA Work based intervention Change in geometric mean grams of fibre per 1000 kcals Occupation Moderate 9
*Toft, Jakobsen, Aadahl, Pisinger, and Jørgensen (2012) Denmark Dietary counselling intervention Change in amount of fruit eaten by men (g/week) Education level Moderate 5
*Wendel-Vos et al. (2009) Holland Area based intervention Difference in mean energy intake between intervention and control (MJ/d) Education level Strong 8

Summary of intervention details and effects on health inequalities taken from McGill et al. (2015).