(a) Optimized atomic structure, phonon spectra and electronic band structure (at the HSE06 level) of the Pd2S3 monolayer; (b) Top and side views of the heterostructure composed of the Pd2S3 and Pd2Se3 monolayers; (c) Band alignments of the Pd2S3, Pd2Se3, PdS2, PdSe2, MoS2, and MoSe2 monolayers calculated using the HSE06 functional. The numbers are the CBM and VBM energies with respect to the vacuum level, which is set to zero when calculating the band alignment diagrams; (d) Computed PCE contour as a function of the donor bandgap and conduction band offset. Violet open stars mark the PCEs of Pd2S3/Pd2Se3, PdS2/PdSe2, and MoS2/MoSe2 heterostructure solar cells.