(A–D) Vector field of u1 (A, C) and u2 (B, D) in the femoral head and proximal metaphysis of an inteterminate ornithomimid (TMP 85.36.276), in oblique anteromedial (A, B) and oblique anterolateral (C, D) views. Note that the vector field along the anterior and posterior peripheries of the femoral head are not shown here (for clarity), where they are more typically oriented as in birds and humans. (E) Vector field of u1 in the greater trochanter region and distal metaphysis of an indeterminate ornithomimid (TMP 85.36.276), in oblique anterolateral view; note the increased obliquity and disorganization of vectors in the distal metaphysis (region with braces). (F) Vector field of u1 in the lesser trochanter of an indeterminate ornithomimid (TMP 91.36.569), in oblique anteromedial view. (G) Vector field of u1 in the proximal femur of an indeterminate caenagnathid (TMP 86.36.323), in a 3D slice parallel to the axial plane and through the femoral head and lesser trochanter. Main image is shown in axial view (anterior is toward bottom of page), with inset illustrating the region illustrated in context of the whole bone. The medialmost part of the femoral head is missing (dotted line).