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. 2018 Nov 1;6:e5892. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5892

Table 3. Linear mixed model fitted to wheat stem sawfly larval body weight (mg), larval mortality (%) and wheat stem lodging (1-10 rating) data with main effects for treatment (chemical type) and application timing and a location for random effect.

Fixed effect Parameter estimate SE t value P
Body weight
(Intercept) 12.90 1.12 11.48 (135) <0.001
Treatment (cis-jasmone) 1.86 0.53 3.49 (135) 0.01
Treatment (Control) 2.69 0.53 5.05 (135) <0.0001
Treatment (Azadirachtin®) 1.84 0.54 3.44 (135) <0.001
Application timing (egg and larva stage) −1.22 0.46 −2.66 (135) 0.01
Application timing (larval stage) −0.89 0.46 −1.99 (135) 0.06
Larval mortality
(Intercept) 33.33 4.81 6.93 (130) <0.001
Treatment (cis-jasmone) −9.00 5.42 −1.66 (130) 0.10
Treatment (Control) −15.25 5.42 −2.81 (130) 0.01
Treatment (Azadirachtin®) −7.25 5.42 −1.33 (130) 0.18
Application timing (egg and larva stage) 11.25 5.42 2.08 (130) 0.04
Application timing (larval stage) −5.67 5.42 −1.05 (130) 0.29
cis-jasmone*egg and larva stage −8.17 7.67 −1.14 (130) 0.26
Control*egg and larval stage −8.50 7.67 −1.11 (130) 0.27
Azadirachtin® *egg and larval stage −26.50 7.67 −3.46 (130) <0.001
cis-jasmone*larval stage 13.83 7.67 1.80 (130) 0.07
Control*larval stage −6.58 7.67 0.86 (130) 0.39
Azadirachtin® *larval stage −6.58 7.67 1.47 (130) 0.14
Stem lodging
(Intercept) 5.36 0.70 7.92 (138) <0.001
Treatment (cis-jasmone) 1.88 0.34 5.54 (138) <0.001
Treatment (Control) 2.69 0.34 7.91 (138) <0.001
Treatment (Azadirachtin®) 1.11 0.34 3.26 (138) 0.001


Parameter estimates are with reference to Actigard® treatment and application timing at egg stage. Degrees of freedom are given in parenthesis.