EIN3 mutation differentially suppresses yda mutant. (A) Representative 6-day-old seedlings grown on solid MS medium with 1% sucrose, 5% glucose, and 5% mannitol, and every kind of seedling have been indicated. Bar, 5 mm. (B) Bar graph exhibiting the difference in the root length between Col-0Ler, yda-1, ein3-1, and yda/ein3 seedlings grown on solid MS medium with 1% sucrose and 5% glucose, respectively. Error bars represent SD (n = 20; ** P < 0.01). Experiments were repeated two times with similar results. (C) Bar graph exhibiting the difference in the anthocyanin accumulation between the indicated seedlings grown under white light condition solid MS medium with 1% sucrose. Wild-type Ler is set as 1.0. Error bars represent SD (n = 13; ** P < 0.01). Experiments were repeated two times with similar results.