Fig. 3.
Frameshift-prone tRNASufA6 is biased toward the E site concurrent with 30S head domain swiveling. (A) Overview of the 70S bound to the e*/E tRNASufA6 with the A, P, and E tRNA-binding sites indicated. (B) The 70S shown from the A site (Left) and, rotated 180° around the vertical axis, from the E site (Right), with the 30S head domain indicated. (C) Conformational changes of the 30S on tRNASufA6 binding. Shifts in Cα atoms of the ribosomal proteins in the unrotated 70S (PDB ID code 1VY4) and the 70S- tRNASufA6 are indicated by the color-coded scale mapped onto the 30S subunit of the 70S- tRNASufA6 complex. (Left) The same view as in A. (Right) A 90° horizontal rotation. (D) Movement of the 30S head domain proteins S3, S7, S9, S10, S13, S14, and S19 (∼4–24 Å) on binding of tRNASufA6 in the e* site (same view as A). The original locations of 30S proteins and 16S rRNA are shown as semitransparent molecular surfaces, and the locations occupied in the context of bound tRNASufA6 are shown as cartoons (and darker shades of the same colors).