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. 2018 Nov 2;5:29. doi: 10.1186/s40662-018-0123-0

Table 1.

Demographics and characteristics of the study cohorts

Controls All MS MSNON MSON P value
(40, eyes)a (38, eyes) (25, eyes) (13, eyes) (All MS vs. HC) (MSNON vs. HC) (MSON vs. HC) (MSON vs. MSNON)
Age, yr.; mean (SD) 29.8 (10.3) 36.4 (10.4) 36.9 (11.2) 35.6 (9.1) 0.002 b 0.009 b 0.013 b 0.7b
Sex; Female n (%) 14 (70%) 27 (71%) 18 (72%) 9 (69%) 0.92c 0.86c 0.96c 0.86c
Disease Duration, yr.; median (Q1–3) 7 (3,15) 6 (3,13) 8 (4,15) 0.44b
Race; Caucasian n (%) 11 (55%) 23 (65%) 15 (60%) 8 (62%) 0.13c 0.27c 0.54c 1.00c
Contrast Letter Acuity; mean (SD) 100% 55.9 (11.1) 57.0 (10.3) 54.0 (12.7) 0.63b
2.5% 26.6 (13.7) 26.6 (13.9) 26.5 (13.8) 0.87b
1.25% 12.2 (11.5) 13.5 (12.2) 9.8 (10.2) 0.34b

HCs = healthy controls; MS = multiple sclerosis; MSNON = MS without optic neuritis; MSON = MS with optic neuritis; yr = year; SD = standard deviation; Q1 = first quartile; Q3 = third quartile

aboth eyes of HCs were included in the study (HC subjects, n = 20) while only one eye of each patient with MS was included (MS patients, n = MS eyes)

bWilcoxon rank-sum test

cChi-squared test

P ≤ 0.05 indicates significance