Fig. 4. Exoskeleton torque during walking.
Experimentally-measured exoskeleton torque applied to each participant’s right limb during Exo-Assisted (blue) and Zero-Torque-Ctrl (red) conditions. Shading depicts ± 1.0 standard deviation. The specified (desired) torque for the Exo-Assisted condition is shown by the orange dashed line. The desired torque for the Zero-Torque-Ctrl condition was zero. A small amount of non-zero torque was observed for the Zero-Torque-Ctrl condition for some participants at intervals in the gait cycle when the ankle angular velocity exceeded the controllable speed of the motor at the implemented gear reduction. Data from each participant’s left limb are presented in Supplemental Fig. 1. The large standard deviation for the torque and power output for P3 was a result of this participant’s variable gait pattern, which elicited variable onset of assistance.