(a) The phylogeny using unfiltered UCEs (left) and the ExaML-TENT phylogeny from Jarvis et al. (2014) (right). Bootstrap support values less than 100% are shown for each internal node. (b) Scatter plot of percent bootstrap support (BS) when the same clade is supported in the unfiltered UCE phylogeny and the ExaML-TENT phylogeny. The points are labelled with node labels as in Fig. 2(a) except for: (1) the label mul, which corresponds to the nodes A, B, C, E, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, V, AA, BB, CC, and FF in Fig. 2(a); (2) the label Afro, which denotes the afroaves nodes H in the unfiltered UCE phylogeny and in the ExaML-TENT phylogeny; (3) the label Neo, which denotes the neoaves nodes OO in the unfiltered UCE phylogeny and EE in the ExaML-TENT phylogeny; and (4) Pass, which denotes the Passerea nodes MM in the unfiltered UCE phylogeny and Z in the ExaML-TENT phylogeny.