Figure 3. PCAs for brain transcriptomes calculated from 6672 one-to-one orthologs across seven ant species, after adjusting for either species-level or colony-level variation in the mean and variance of gene expression.
PCAs for brain transcriptomes after partialling out additive effects of species identity (a) and species plus colony identity (c) in the same five ant species as in Figures 1 and 2. Projection of similarly normalized brain transcriptome scores for the queenless ants O. biroi and D. quadriceps (b and d; foreground darker symbols) on the two PCs of (a) and (c). All 6672 one-to-one orthologs were used in both plots and colour coding and symbols are identical to Figure 2b for the ant species included in both analyses. Additional symbols and colours were used to differentiate between reproductive and non-reproductive workers of the two queenless ants.