Fig 4A. Known genera abundance reported by LEfSe in the bacterial community between B-II and control group. B-II, subtotal gastrectomy with Billroth II anastomosis.1This Prevotella genus is affiliated with Prevotellaceae. 2This Prevotella genus is affiliated with Paraprevotellaceae, a recommended family (based on the Greengenes database). 3This Clostridium genus is affiliated with Ruminococcaceae. 4This Clostridium genus is affiliated with Peptostreptococcaceae, a recommended family (based on the Greengenes database) Fig 4B. Known genera abundance reported by LEfSe in the bacterial community between RYGJ and control group. RYGJ, Roux-en-Y gastrojejuno anastomosis. 1This Ruminococcus genus is affiliated with Ruminococcaceae. 2This Ruminococcus genus is affiliated with Lachnospiraceae, a recommended family (based on the Greengenes database). 3 This Clostridium genus is affiliated with Lachnospiraceae. 4This Clostridium genus is affiliated with Ruminococcaceae. 5This Clostridium genus is affiliated with Peptostreptococcaceae, a recommended family (based on the Greengenes database).