pig-1 MELK and ced-3 caspase interact to suppress the mitotic fate in QL.pp. (A) Schematic representation of assay and representative images of L2 larvae showing three or four QL.p lineage cells. Bar, 3 μm. Cells were visualized using the reporter Ptoe-2gfp (bcIs133). Only those animals, in which QL.pp failed to die were considered for this analysis. Animals with four QL.p lineage descendants were considered to have had an instance of “undead QL.pp division,” whereas the ones with three QL.p lineage cells were counted as an instance of “no undead QL.pp division.” (B) Bar graph showing the fraction of undead QL.pps that divided for the indicated genotypes. Statistical test: Fisher’s exact test with Benjamini and Hochberg multiple comparisons correction. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, **** P < 0.0001, and n > 25 animals. NA, not applicable.