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. 2018 Oct 30;10:346. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00346

Table 1.

Demographic information and cognitive scores (in percentage of correct responses with standard deviations in parentheses) for all the primary progressive aphasia (PPA) patients and variants.

TOT (N = 39) Lv (N = 13) Nfv (N = 18) Sv (N = 8) P
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Age 68.28 (7.3) 68.07 (8.9) 68.22 (7.1) 68.75 (5.6) 0.98
Gender 18 F 7 F 6 F 5 F 0.31
Education (yrs) 16.14 (2.6) 15.84 (2.9) 16.88 (2.3) 14.93 (2.1) 0.19
Onset (yrs) 4.13 (2.8) 4.07 (3.1) 3.69 (2.5) 5.21 (3.2) 0.47
Language severity (FTDL–CDR 0–3) 1.79 (0.8) 1.84 (0.8) 1.72 (0.9) 1.87 (0.8) 0.89
Dementia severity (FTDL–CDR 0–24) 6.16 (4.8) 7.57 (4.7) 5.25 (4.6) 5.93 (5.55) 0.41
BNT (30) (%) 51.70 (37.1) 47.69 (33.2) 69.44 (36) 18.33 (26)* <0.001
HANA (35) (%) 48.93 (35) 42.63 (35.2) 63.65 (34.2) 18.6 (21.3)** 0.002

*Group differences: sv impaired vs. lv; and vs. nfv. **Group differences: sv impaired vs. nfv. Abbreviations: F, female; yrs, years; Lv, Logopenic variant; Nfv, Non-fluent variant; Sv, Semantic variant; BNT, Boston Naming Test; FTLD–CDR, frontotemporal lobar degeneration-Clinical Dementia Rating; HANA, Hopkins Assessment of Naming Actions.