Table 1.
Summary of studies included in final review
Study | N | Exposure definition and age window | Outcome and age of measurement | Anthropometric reference used for outcome definition | Covariates adjusted for |
Saari et al. [33] | 12 062 | Any antibiotic at <24 months | Adjusted difference (β) in zBMI at ⩾24 months | Finnish growth reference | Maternal smoking after first trimester, parental relationship, mode of delivery, birth weight and length (length for boys only) |
aOR for overweight at ⩾24 months | |||||
Murphy et al. [24] | 74 946 | Any antibiotic at <12 months | Adjusted difference (β) in BMI at 5–8 years | Age, sex, BMI measurement type (parental report or objective measurement) (see Statistical methodology column), maternal smoking, breastfeeding, current wheeze, early life paracetamol use, gross national income (tested for interaction only) | |
Trasande et al. [26] | 11 532 | Any antibiotic at ⩽24 months | Adjusted difference (β) in zBMI at 38 months and 7 years | British 1990 growth reference | Birth weight, maternal parity, maternal race, maternal social class, maternal education, parental BMI (pre-pregnancy and later), first trimester smoking, breastfeeding, timing of introduction of complementary foods, time per day watching television, in car on weekdays and weekends, dietary patterns at 38 months, sleep duration at 7 years |
aOR for overweight at 38 months and 7 years | |||||
Ajslev et al. [22] | 28 354 | Any antibiotic at <6 monthsa | aOR for overweight at 7 years | International Obesity Task Force reference (2007, 2012) | Maternal age, socioeconomic status, pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, smoking, paternal BMI, parity, birth weight, sex, exclusive breastfeeding and age at 7 year follow-up |
Bailey et al. [30] | 64 580 | Any antibiotic at ⩽23 months | Adjusted hazard ratio for obesity at 24–59 months | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 reference | Race/ethnicity, age at first primary care visit and number of primary care visits, sex, practice location at first visit, insurance coverage, common childhood infection diagnoses in first 2 years, calendar year and practice of first entry to primary care system, oral steroids and anti-reflux medication |
Azad et al. [23] | 616 | Any antibiotic at <12 months | aOR for overweight at 9 years | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 reference | Sex, birth weight, breastfeeding, maternal overweight, smoke exposure at birth, family income, sibship, diet, physical activity, current asthma, maternal asthma |
aOR for overweight at 12 years | |||||
Rogawski et al. [27] | 497 | Any antibiotic at <6 months | Adjusted difference (β) in weight-for-length z-score at 6 months to 3 years | World Health Organization 2006 standards | Sex, prior growth z-score (measured at the beginning of the month), socioeconomic status, maternal education, household hygiene, household crowding, low birth weight, preterm birth, caesarean delivery, exclusive breastfeeding, number of days with infection/severe illness, number of days with diarrhoea, number of severe diarrhoea events, dehydration during diarrhoea, oral rehydration, hospitalisation events, days with diarrhoea in the previous month |
Schwartz et al. [25] | 1 63 820 | Any (and cumulative) antibiotic at ⩽18 years | Adjusted difference (β) in BMI at ⩽18 years | Age, sex, race/ethnicity, medical assistance | |
Gerber et al. [29] | 38 522 | Any antibiotic at <6 months | Adjusted difference in rate of weight gain (%) between 2 and 5 years | Singleton analysis: adjustments made for both mean-level covariates (sex, birth weight, race, Medicaid insurance status, number of siblings, birth year, baseline length, primary care site) and rate-level covariates (as above, excluding primary care site) Twin analysis: sex, birth weight, baseline length |
Li et al. [32] | 2 60 556 | Any antibiotic at <12 months among children with infection | aOR for obesity at 2–18 years | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 reference | Infection type and number of episodes (diagnoses >2 weeks apart), maternal age and race/ethnicity, pre-pregnancy BMI, preterm delivery, sex, low birth weight, maternal antibiotic use and infections during pregnancy, maternal education, marital status, smoking during pregnancy, mode of delivery, timing of initial prenatal care, gestational or pre-existing diabetes, breastfeeding |
Scott et al. [21] | 21 714 | Any antibiotic at <24 months | aOR for obesity at 4 years | British 1990 growth referenceb | Maternal obesity, maternal diabetes, mode of delivery, socioeconomic status, year and country of birth, urban dwelling and sibling obesity |
Mbakwa et al. [31] | 979 | Any antibiotic at ⩽10 years | Adjusted difference (β) in zBMI at ⩽10 years | Dutch growth reference | Study recruitment group, household size, maternal education, maternal pre-pregnancy weight, maternal pregnancy weight gain, smoking during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, mode and place of delivery, sex, birth weight, gestational age, duration of breastfeeding, child's dietary intake and physical activity |
aOR for overweight at ⩽10 years | |||||
Rogawski et al. [28] | 1954 | 7-day increase in antibiotic exposure duration at <6 months | Adjusted difference (β) in WAZ at 6 months to 2 years | World Health Organization 2006 standards | Site, child's sex, enrolment weight-for-age, WAMI (water, assets maternal education and income) score, household crowding, maternal height, maternal education, characteristics of child's first 6 months (percent days exclusively breast-fed, number of diarrhoea episodes, days with fever or vomiting or respiratory illnesses, presence of acute lower respiratory infection or bloody stools and hospitalisation) |
zBMI, body mass index-for-age z-score; WAZ, weight-for-age z-score; aOR, adjusted odds ratio.
*p < 0.05.
See Supplementary Tables S2 and S3 for full details on characteristics of studies.
Blank cells for anthropometric reference column indicate that none was used.
Authors reported that questionnaires were only able to capture antibiotics prescribed for ear and lung infection.
British 1990 growth reference used as part of the UK WHO Term Growth Reference.