Fig. 1.
Examples of MRI regional scores. a T1-W image score of bilateral globus pallidus/putamen injury (2+2=4) (T1 score=4) (arrows indicate regions of globus pallidus/putamen injury) in a 9-day-old girl (gestational age of 40 weeks). b T2-W image score of bilateral globus pallidus/putamen injury (2+2=4) and bilateral cortical injury (1+1=2) (T2 score=6) (arrows indicate regions of globus pallidus/putamen and cortical injury) in an 11-day-old girl (gestational age 40 weeks)). c Diffusion-weighted MRI image of bilateral restriction in the white matter (1+1=2) (DWI score=2) (arrows indicate regions of white matter injury) in a 5-day-old girl (gestational age of 38 weeks). d T2-W image score of unilateral cerebellar injury (1) (T2 score=2) (arrow indicates region of cerebellar injury) in a 1-day-old girl (gestational age of 36 weeks). e T1-W image score of bilateral global pallidus/putamen (2+2=4) and thalamus injury (2+2=4) (T1 score=8) (arrows indicate regions of globus pallidus/putamen and thalamic injury) in a 10-day-old boy (gestational age of 40 weeks)