Figure 7.
Proliferation test. Two different concentrations of 2D MoS2 dispersion interacted with S. typhimurium represented as (a–f). (a) Positive control of wild-type Salmonella without 2D MoS2, (b) incubation at 11.2 μg/mL and C) at 20 μg/mL; (d–f) Salmonella bacteria grown in the lab (ATCC 14028), (d) positive control without 2D MoS2, (e) incubation at 11.2 μg/mL and (f) at 20 μg/mL. All the samples treated with MoS2 nanoflakes were checked after 4 h from the treatment. (g) MTT plots of 2D MoS2 dispersion incubated with ATCC 14028 Laboratory Salmonella and (h) wild-type Salmonella at 11.2 μg/mL and 20 μg/mL. The absorbance of the incubation is presented at 450 nm (green) and 490 nm (red) wavelengths. Interaction of 2D MoS2 nanosheets at 20 μg/mL with average thickness of = 4. (i) Control rod shaped ATCC 14028S. typhimurium (j) fragment of a bacterium cut by a nanosheet evidenced by the red arrow, (k) slight cut at the outer bacterial membrane as shown by red red arrow, and (l) leakage of intracellular components of Salmonella bacteria (red arrow) upon interaction with the sharp edges of the 2D MoS2 nanosheets present nearby (blue arrows).