Table 4. Larvicidal activity of Azolla pinnata extracts against early 4th instar larvae of Ae. Albopictus.
Extraction Method | Na | LC50(mg/L)(95% LCL-UCL) | LC95(mg/L)(95% LCL-UCL) | X2 | df | R |
Maceration | 100 | 1037(983–1109)Y = -19.196+6.644X | 1579(1426–1813)Y = -19.196+6.644X | 40* | 18 | 0.987 |
Soxhlet | 100 | 1035(980–1107)Y = -20.607+6.876X | 1524(1377–1764)Y = -20.607+6.876X | 40* | 15 | 0.988 |
Na; total number of mosquitoes larvae used; n = 25 with 4 replicates
LC50; Lethal concentration 50% mortality, LC95; Lethal concentration 95% mortality
LCL;lower confidence limits, UCL; upper confidence limits
(χ2); Pearson chi square, df; degrees of freedom, R; Pearson’s R
(Note: Chi-square values with asterisk "*"are significant P<0.05).