Intensity patterns due to leakage of the 1st order dark mode for a system
with N = 100 unit cells, for different outcoupling
strengths. The scatterers have a 30 nm × 60 nm rectangular cross
section, fixed positions as shown and the outcoupling strength is
tuned via their permittivity εr,scat, which is set to 2.5 in (b) (weak), 4.5 in (c) (moderate), 9 in
(d) (strong), and 12.1 (e) (very strong). The top row shows |Ez|2 at the vicinity of the metasurface,
which is located horizontally in the middle of the panel. The far-field
image seen with a camera is shown in the two middle rows, for ideally
infinite aperture and realistically finite aperture of NA = 0.32 (shown
as density plot as well). *Aperture here refers to the numerical aperture
of the imaging lens, as opposed to the aperture size of the radiating
metasurface. The bottom row shows the far-field angular distribution.