Fig. 1.
AdoR signalling enhances JNK pathway activity during chronic polarity stress. a–g Silencing scrib (sal> scrib-Ri) activates the JNK sensor TRE-dsRed in the wing disc and causes severe damage in the adult wing. These effects are suppressed by expression of JNKbskDN or the inhibitor of JNK, puc. h–k Expression of TRE-dsRed is also suppressed by knockdown of TNFRgrnd or in a TNFegr mutant. It is partially suppressed by TNFegr knockdown. l–p Similarly, TRE-dsRed is suppressed and wing damage is rescued following AdoR knockdown or in an AdoR mutant. Scale bars, 50 μm (a–c, h–j, l, m) and 0.5 mm (e–g, o, p). In graphs, means are shown, and error bars represent ± SD; ****P < 0.0001, unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test (males and females pooled together). As in all subsequent figures, confocal images are maximal intensity projections of z-stacks, male third instar wing imaginal discs are shown with posterior to the right and dorsal up and a green line marks the domain of sal-Gal4 expression, as determined by the activation of a UAS-cd8GFP transgene (see detailed genotypes in Methods). e–g, o, p are representative images of male adult wings