Figure 7.
Automatic gating by unsupervised clustering using FlowSOM identifies cell (meta) clusters associated with non-infectious uveitis. Using FlowSOM, we clustered all individual cells within the single-cell gates of all samples into 100 distinct clusters based on the surface protein expression. Using unsupervised clustering, the 100 clusters were clustered into 22 meta-clusters of different cell types and organized in the minimal spanning tree on the right. The meta-clusters are represented by unique colors (all meta-cluster comparisons between uveitis and controls are provided in Figure S3). For each cluster (i.e., cell population), pie charts indicate the relative expression for each of the different surface markers and the pie size corresponds to the average size of the population in the samples. Three clusters and their associated meta-clusters (A–C) are indicated. P-values between HC and UV are from Wilcoxon rank-sum test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ns, non-significant). For these three meta-clusters, the relative densities of normalized expression of the surface protein markers for from the T cell panel are indicated above and for each associated cluster the pie charts provide the relative expression of each surface marker.