Table 1.
Patient Eligibility | Coverage Details | |
British Columbia | No restrictions | Catastrophic coverage with deductibles up to 3% of annual income, then patient pays 30% co-insurance. |
Alberta | No restrictions | Voluntary coverage with premiums, then patient pays 30% co-insurance. |
Saskatchewan | No restrictions | Catastrophic coverage with deductibles at 3.4% annual income, then patient pays 35% co-insurance. |
Manitoba | No restrictions | Catastrophic coverage with deductibles up to 6.97% annual income, then full coverage of eligible drugs. |
Ontario | No restrictions | Catastrophic coverage with deductibles at approximately 4% of annual income, then patient pays $2 fixed co-payment. |
Quebec | Restricted to those not eligible for private insurance | Mandatory coverage with premiums and a $19.90 monthly deductible, then patient pays 34.9% co-insurance. |
Newfoundland | No restrictions | Catastrophic coverage with out-of-pocket payments ranging from 5 to 10% of income |
Nova Scotia | No restrictions | Catastrophic coverage with deductibles up to 20% of annual income, then patient pays 20% co-insurance. |
New Brunswick | No restrictions | Voluntary coverage with premiums, then co-payments of $5 to $30 per eligible prescription, depending on income. |
Prince Edward Island | No restrictions | Catastrophic coverage with deductibles up to 12% of annual income, then full coverage of eligible drugs. |
Source [93]: Authors summary of information in CIHI (1028) National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System Plan Information Document, July 2018 supplemented by information from public drug plan websites, where necessary