Figure 6.
Blocking L‐type voltage‐gated calcium channels with nifedipine inhibits neuritin‐induced increase in [Ca2+]i and voltage‐activated I Ca amplitude in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). (a) Ca2+ imaging before and after depolarization by high potassium (K+) (HK) solution in neuritin‐treated CGNs cultured in the absence or presence of nifedipine (Nif). (b) Changes in [Ca2+]i upon application of a depolarizing stimulus (left) and quantitative analysis of [Ca2+]i (right) in CGNs cultured in the absence or presence of nifedipine with or without neuritin treatment (Ctl, n = 149; Nrn, n = 122; Nif, n = 58; Nif + Nrn, n = 60). (c) Representative current traces (left) and quantitative analysis (right) of the effect of nifedipine perfusion for 5 min on neuritin‐induced increase in I Ca amplitude (Ctl, n = 8; Nrn, n = 8; Nif, n = 8; Nif + Nrn, n = 8). Data represent mean ± SEM, n indicates the number of cells. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 between two groups connected with a straight line (one‐way anova followed by Bonferroni post hoc test).