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. 2017 Jul 13;17(3):207–215. doi: 10.1016/j.ijchp.2017.06.002

Table 3.

Differences in functional brain activation between the phobic and non-phobic groups under the phobic stimuli condition, with FWE corrected and uncorrected p-value.

Phobic > Control Side Coordinates t value p Cohen's d
Thalamus Left −14, -16, 18 3.18 .005 uncorr. 1.32
Parahippocampal gyrus Right 26, -44, 2 3.80 .009 FWE corr. 1.62
Anterior cingulate gyrus Left −6, 36, 2 3.18 .003 uncorr. 1.32
Insula Left −26, 16, 14 3.95 .007 FWE corr. 1.08
Inferior frontal gyrus (p. orbitalis) Right 30, 28, -10 3.01 .001 uncorr. 1.58
Middle temporal gyrus Right 54, -56, 10 3.75 .01 FWE corr. 1.06
Inferior temporal gyrus Left −58, -60, -2 3.70 .009 FWE corr. 1.62
Control > Phobic
Middle temporal gyrus Left −66, -28, -6 4.77 .006 FWE corr. 1.17