Figure 1.
Identification of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in the PGTH1 promoter sequence using MatInspector. The PGTH1 sequence (1000 bp upstream of the gene PAS_chr1‐3_0011 according to the annotation in the P. pastoris strain GS115) was analyzed using Matinspector. Matrix families belonging to the matrix groups fungi and general core promoter elements are shown (detailed matrix match table is provided in Supporting InformationTable S1). The green asterisk indicates the position of the prominent TAT15 motif (position ‐390 to ‐374). PGTH1 was initially amplified and cloned from position ‐965 to ‐1 (length of 965 bp). Alternative 5′‐starts of the shortened PGTH1 promoter variants are labeled with red arrows and the length of the corresponding variant [Color figure can be viewed at]