(A) Heatmap of 51 genes related to ncRNA metabolism that were downregulated in treated females. The heatmap was obtained with unsupervised clustering of samples and genes. (B) Principle component analysis (PCA) of expression of the 51 genes from (A) that were measured by RNA-seq in control and treated females, males and schistosomula, as indicated by the legend at the bottom. (C) Heatmap of 9 selected genes, related to egg biosynthesis and cell differentiation, whose expression was significantly affected in GSK343-treated females. Heatmap obtained with unsupervised clustering of genes. In the heatmaps of (A) and (C), genes are shown on the lines, and three biological replicates are shown in the columns, for control (turquoise bar at the top of columns) or GSK343-treated female samples (yellow bar at the top of columns). Parasites were exposed for 48 h in vitro to vehicle (control) or to 20 μM GSK343. Gene expression levels were measured by RNA-seq and are shown as Z-scores, which are the number of standard deviations below (blue, downregulated) or above (red, upregulated) the mean expression value among treated and control samples for each gene; the expression level Z-scores are color-coded as indicated on the scales at the bottom.