(A) Transcript levels of Ppat, Impdh1, Impdh2 and Paics (corrected for Hprt transcript levels) in TKO-Bcl2 MEFs cultured in the presence or absence of 10% FCS for the indicated days. The expression in the presence of 10% FCS is set as 100%. Standard deviation (bars) from two independent experiments is shown. (B) Transcript level of Ppat (corrected for Hprt transcript level) in TKO-Bcl2 MEFs 2 days after transduction with shRNAs against Ppat (#1 and #2) or non-targeting shRNA (EV, set as 100%). Standard deviation (bars) of three independent experiments is shown. (C) Replication fork speeds in TKO-Bcl2 MEFs 2 days after transduction with shRNAs against Ppat (#1 and #2) or non-targeting shRNA (EV). (D) Replication fork speeds in TKO-Bcl2 MEFs cultured in the presence or absence of 10% FCS for 1 day with or without the exogenous supply of nucleosides. For C and D, box plots represent interquartile ranges, horizontal bars denote the median, whiskers indicate 5–95 percentile and points are outliers. At least 100 track lengths of ongoing forks were measured. Average values marked with asterisk are significantly different (nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.05). (E) Cell cycle distribution of TKO-Bcl2 MEFs cultured in the presence or absence of 10% FCS for the indicated days with or without daily exogenous supply of nucleosides. (F) pChk1 (Ser317), Chk1, p21Cip1 and p27Kip1 protein levels in TKO-Bcl2 MEFs cultured in the presence or absence of 10% FCS for the indicated days in the presence or absence of nucleosides. Anti-CDK4 was used as loading control.