(A) Single-turnover NADH formation for WT TbDHSc:DHSp.
NADH formation was monitored by fluorescence under single-turnover conditions
for excitation at 350 nm and emission at 441 nm. Spermidine (Spd) (1 mM) was
added to enzyme (1 μM) and NAD+ (1 mM) or eIF5A (15 μM)
at the indicated time (orange line). Pre-incubation of
TbDHSc:DHSp with 10 μM GC7 inhibits the reaction (black
line). Experiments were done in duplicate and traces represent the average of
the duplicate.
(B) Single-turnover NADH formation for TbDHSc:DHSp
mutant enzymes. Mutant enzyme pairs are identified with symbols
(Λ and #) as shown in Figure 4C.
(C) Steady-state kinetic analysis of WT and mutant DHS activity. For WT
and active mutants, [DHS] = 5 nM, while inactive mutants were assayed at 1
μM. Substrate concentrations were 1 mM NAD+, 78 μM
spermidine, and 15 μM eIF5A (KM = 0.7 μM), which
represent saturating concentrations for the WT enzyme (Nguyen et al., 2013). Data were collected in
triplicate, and error bars represent SEM. See also Tables S1 and S2.