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. 2018 Nov 1;6:332. doi: 10.3389/fped.2018.00332

Table 1.

Main respiratory setting, diagnostic, and therapeutical interventions relevant to the ventilation monitoring and management of the patient.

ECMO day E6 E9 E11 E13
Ventilation mode pre-FOT AC/no VTG AC/no VTG AC/no VTG AC+VTG
PIP (cmH2O) 25 25 25 26
PEEP pre-FOT (cmH2O) 10 7 8 9
PEEP post-FOT (cmH2O) 7 8 9 9
MAP (cmH2O) 13 11 18 14
RR set (bpm) 16 15 25 38
IT (sec.) 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,45
FiO2 0,4 0,60 0,40 0,40
Vt effective (mL) 1,6 - 4,8 5,30 8,70 15,00
SpO2 pre-FOT (mean) 94-95 96% 95-96% 95%
pH/pCO2/BE before 7,32/58/+2 7,38/69,5/+6,4 7,34/49,5/+1.1 7,46/31/−0,8
Blood flow/Sweep gas (ml/kg/min) 150/150 150/200 60/100 NA
FiO2 sweep gas (mean) 0.5 0.5 0.5 NA
Technical issues Weaning
Chest X-ray Bilateral patchy opacifications bilaterally severely hypodiaphan bilaterally hypodistended Bilateral patchy opacifications + small right pleural effusion Bilaterally severely hypodiaphan Bilaterally hypodistended Worsening patchy opacification in the right lung, stable pleural effusion Bilaterally normally distended Same as E11
Forced Oscillation Technique Rigid and massively derecruited lung easily distended and not recruitable within the tested pressure range Rigid lung recruitable within the tested pressure range More compliant lung, derecruitment at the lowest peep tested More compliant lung at all the explored PEEP
Relevant therapeutical interventions SURF 200 mg/kg E8: SURF (200 mg/kg) E9: BAL with SURF (73 mg/kg) E9: Start DEX 0.25mg/kg twice/d chest physiotherapy SLI, PEEP trial E10: DEX 0.25mg/kg once/d E11:SURF 200mg/kg + DEX 0.125mg/kg twice/d chest physiotherapy SLI, PEEP trial E12: DEX 0.125 mg/kg twice/d chest physiotherapy SLI, PEEP trial
Sedoanalgesia μg/kg/h MOR 100 + MID 180 MOR 100 + MID 180 MOR 100 + MID 180 MOR 100 + MID 180
Extra bolus MOR/MDZ during FOT 2/2 1/1 3/1 0/2
Rocuronium mg/kg/die 2,4 2,4 2,4 0

BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; bpm, breath per minute; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; IT, inspiratory time; MAP, mean airway pressure; MOR, morphine; MID, midazolam; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; SLI, sustained lung inflation; SURF, surfactant; DEX, dexamethasone; RR, respiratory rate; Vt, tidal volume.