Efficient gene deletion achieved by i.p. injections of CriPs targeting Gfp in GFP mice.
A, timeline of i.p. administration of CriPs to GFP mice. GFP transgenic mice were intraperitoneally injected daily for 5 days with CriPs targeting Gfp (CriPs–Gfp sgRNA) or control CriPs (CriPs–control sgRNA). On day 6, mice were sacrificed, and PECs were collected and plated in cell culture. On day 13, flow cytometry and deep sequencing were performed to measure the loss of GFP. B, flow cytometry data showing GFP loss in mice injected with CriPs–Gfp sgRNA or CriPs–control sgRNA. C, quantification of flow cytometry data (3–8-week-old GFP male C57BL/6 mice, n = 10). D, indels in the Gfp locus of CriPs–Gfp sgRNA–injected samples by deep sequencing. Shown are DNA sequences of the Gfp WT and mutants. PAM is underlined. The cleavage site is indicated by an arrowhead. The column on the right indicates the number and frequencies of inserted (+) or deleted (−) bases or SNPs (S). Error bars, S.E.