Rod homologs are required for hook and filament assembly. Fluorescent micrographs of strains representing the presence of filament, hook, and basal body. Membranes were stained with FM-4-64 dye (false colored red). Filaments and hooks were visualized by using a maleimide-conjugated dye to stain proteins modified to introduce a single surface-exposed cysteine residue. (HagT209C and FlgET123C, respectively; false colored green). Basal bodies were visualized using a strain background containing a fluorescently tagged FliM-GFP (false colored green). The filament panel was generated with the following strains: DS1916 (WT), DK5040 (ΔflgB), DK5041 (ΔflgC) DS5897 (ΔflhO), DS5042 (ΔflhP), DK5038 (ΔfliF), DS5896 (ΔflgE), and DK5039 (ΔfliE). The hook panel was generated with the following strains: DS7673 (WT), DK4895 (ΔflgB), DK4868 (ΔflgC) DS8839 (ΔflhO), DS8840 (ΔflhP), DK3135 (ΔfliF), and DK4896 (ΔfliE). The basal body panel was generated with the following strains: DS8521 (WT), DK5082 (ΔflgB), DK5268 (ΔflgC) DK5083 (ΔflhO), DK5084 (ΔflhP), DS8598 (ΔfliF), DK4892 (ΔflgE), and DK5081 (ΔfliE). NP, not possible, as the cysteine replacement is within the gene that was deleted.