Organization of the RNA repair and dinJ-yafQ operons. The RNA repair operon carries rsr, yrlB, yrlA, rtcB, and rtcA, transcribed from a σ54-dependent promoter (rsrp). Transcription from rsrp is controlled by RtcR, whose gene is divergently transcribed from a σ70-type promoter (rtcRp). The toxin-antitoxin module, dinJ-yafQ, is carried immediately downstream of the RNA repair operon and is expressed from a σ70-type promoter (dinJp). A predicted σ70-type promoter within rtcB (rtcBp) generates a short transcript that does not extend into rtcA under the 22 infection-relevant growth conditions assessed by Kröger et al. (9). The length (in bp) is indicated above each gene.