Filament morphology and swim phenotype of single-deletion flagellin mutants. (A) ΔflaA mutants exhibit straight filaments and all other mutants, ΔflaB, ΔflaC, and ΔflaD mutants, exhibit curved flagella similar to the wild type (some sheared flagella are also shown). The top row shows multiple filaments per mutant, and the bottom row shows zoomed-in views. Images were captured at magnifications of ×7,500 (top) and ×75,000 (bottom). The scale bar of 1 μm applies to all images in the top row, and the scale bar of 100 nm applies to all images in the bottom row. (B) Swimming motility phenotype of single-deletion flagellin mutants. The top images show the swim plates, indicating the expansion of the swim ring, and the graph below shows swim ring diameter data (7-day incubation) for the ΔflaA, ΔflaB, ΔflaC, and ΔflaD flagellin mutants, all normalized to the wild type. Values are the averages for three swim plates per strain. S.E., standard error of the mean.