Fig. 4.
Distribution of methylation scores at promoters of imprint genes and XIST gene. H19, MEG3, PEG3, PEG10, IGF2R and XIST genes are shown. ESCs (n = 12, black circles); Retro-Edom-iPSCs (n = 3, green circles); Sendai-Edom-iPSCs (n = 6, red circles); Episomal-Edom-iPSCs (n = 3, blue circles); parent somatic cells, Edom22 (n = 2, yellow circles). The probe IDs and probe positions of each gene were cg17985533, TSS200 for H19, cg09926418, TSS200 for MEG3, cg13960339, TSS200 for PEG3, cg27504782, TSS1500 for PEG10, cg10894318, TSS1500 for IGF2R and cg11717280, TSS200 for XIST. TSS200 and TSS1500 indicated the position of the probe; TSS200, 0–200 bases and TSS1500, 200–1500 bases upstream of the transcriptional start site (TSS).