Figure 6.
DR2C treatment affects HSV-1 replication. (A) Plaque reduction assay: viral titer of HSV-1-infected cells treated with increasing concentrations of DR2B and DR2C. Values are expressed as means ± SD of four experiments, each performed in duplicate. The IC50 of DR2C was calculated by regression analysis of the dose–response curves. (B) Time-of-addition assay: DR2C was added to Vero cells before (PRE), during (ADS), or after adsorption for the following 24 h (POST) or as double doses (ADS+POST). Supernatants were subjected to a standard plaque assay to evaluate viral titer. Data are expressed as means ± the SD of three independent experiments, each performed in duplicate (* p < 0.05 versus DMSO-treated HSV-1-infected sample). Cell lysates were analyzed by Western blotting (C) with anti-HSV-1, anti-gB, anti-NOX4, and anti-tubulin antibodies. Densitometric analysis of gB and NOX4 (lower band) is shown in the graph under the representative Western blot (* p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01 vs. DMSO-treated HSV-1-infected cells).