Figure 2.
Polysaccharide antibody responses following immunization with multivalent conjugate vaccines. CJ-and Sf-specific polysaccharide IgG responses were measured by ELISA after three immunizations of monovalent, bivalent or a trivalent formulation of three polysaccharide conjugate vaccines. IgG responses were measured against A) HS23/36 CPS, B) HS3 CPS and C) Sf O-polysaccharide (Sf-O-PS). Bars represent the mean plus standard deviation of the log10 transformed titers. Statistical significance was determined using a one-way ANOVA including groups for which individual mouse titers were measured. Asterisks denote a multiplicity adjusted P values between groups (*p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.001, ****p < 0.0001).