Fig. 1 (continued).
Intraoperative situation during a segment 4 partially preserving hilar en bloc resection with principle portal vein resection for the treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma. e, f, h Parenchymal transection: The anterior parenchymal resection line started in Cantlie’s line and remained midline in the cranial portion of the liver throughout the transection. In the caudal portion, the resection line turned to the left (light blue lines), surrounding the perihilar region at a distance of 2–3 cm until it reached the border between the left lateral section (LLS) and segment 4 (S4) where it again ran perpendicularly (IVC inferior vena cava) g Reconstruction as a single hepaticojejunostomy (HepJ) after partial reunification of the ducts with single stiches (polydioxanone 5.0 or 6.0)