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. 2018 Nov 8;13(11):e0207019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207019

Table 1. Scores statistics, overall and by patient’s diagnosis.

Mean, SD Difference (95% CI) P*, Cr. P**
VEGF-A Nevus 1.26, 0.64 Ref. 0.868, 0.050
MM 1.31, 1.31 0.05 (-0.23, 0.33) 0.723, 0.039
Metastasis 1.22, 0.86 -0.04 (-0.37, 0.29) 0.821, 0.043
VEGF-B Nevus 1.82, 0.93 Ref. 0.841, 0.043
MM 1.83, 1.43 0.004 (-0.34, 0.35) 0.980, 0.050
Metastasis 1.94, 1.22 0.11 (-0.29, 0.52) 0.583, 0.032
VEGF-C Nevus 4.91, 2.76 Ref. 0.016, 0.021
MM 5.73, 4.83 0.82 (-0.33, 1.97) 0.160, 0.021
Metastasis 6.87, 4.36 1.96 (0.62, 3.30) 0.004, 0.011
VEGF-D Nevus 3.91, 2.28 Ref. 0.697, 0.036
MM 4.24, 3.17 0.33 (-0.43, 1.09) 0.396, 0.029
Metastasis 4.08, 2.31 0.17 (-0.73, 1.06) 0.715, 0.036
VEGF-R1 Nevus 0.64, 0.35 Ref. 0.661, 0.029
MM 0.73, 1.08 0.10 (-0.12, 0.31) 0.377, 0.025
Metastasis 0.66, 0.58 0.02 (-0.23, 0.27) 0.882, 0.046
VEGF-R2 Nevus 10.75, 4.90 Ref. <0.001, 0.007
MM 12.84, 6.31 2.09 (0.39, 3.78) 0.016, 0.014
Metastasis 15.10, 6.80 4.35 (2.36, 6.33) <0.001, 0.004
VEGF-R3 Nevus 8.17, 4.17 Ref. 0.002, 0.014
MM 9.35, 6.64 1.18 (-0.45, 2.81) 0.156, 0.018
Metastasis 11.59, 6.31 3.42 (1.51, 5.33) 0.001, 0.007

CI: confidence interval, MM: malignant melanoma, P: p-value, SD: standard deviation

* P-values in italics are single p-values from one-way MANOVA analysis. Other p-values test the differences against a reference category for each score. The overall difference of the scores across different diagnoses is significant at p<0.001.

** Benjamini–Hochberg critical values for multiple comparisons with a false discovery rate of 0.05. A first set of tests was performed on the overall difference for each score; then a second sub-set of tests was done on the specific differences within each score. Results must be considered statistically significant (boldfaced) only when their p-values are lower than the corresponding critical values (Cr. P).