Figure 7: Low-frequency, high-amplitude correlated activity following visual stimulation preserves temporal lag between pairs.
(A) Two example experimental trials during the stationary (above) and moving (below) behavioral states. An epoch just following the visual stimulus (light gray box) is expanded to the right.
(B) Power in the 2–10 Hz band was calculated for each simultaneously recorded pair of cells under current clamp conditions and plotted against each other for the stationary epochs.
(C) Power spectra comparing post-stimulation and no-stimulation (gray) epochs during the stationary and moving behavioral states for all cells. Inset, power in the 2–10 Hz band for the stationary state during the post-stimulation and gray epochs. *, p < 0.05.
(D) The PSTH averaged across all cells (n=20) for the stationary (black) and moving (red) states. The standard error of the mean is depicted by the transparent envelopes around the solid traces.
(E) Simultaneous current clamp (black traces) and voltage clamp recordings (gray and cyan traces) during the post-stimulation epoch. Left, voltage clamp recording held at reversal potential for inhibition (gray). Right, voltage clamp recording held at reversal potential for excitation (cyan). Inset, grand average of excitatory and inhibitory waveforms across all cells (n = 8) during the post-stimulation epoch. The excitatory waveform has been inverted for clarity. Vertical dotted lines mark the end of the visual stimulus.
(F) Trial-to-trial Vm CCGs for an example pair during the post-stimulation epoch are shown in gray together with the mean CCG shown in black. The vertical solid line represents zero lag while the vertical dotted line represents the median lag of the trial-to-trial CCGs.
(G) As in previous figures, heat map representing the Vm CCG offsets for 10 pairs during the post-stimulation epoch. Red dots represent the median CCG offset for each row for distribution significantly offset from zero; open green symbols re not significantly offset from zero. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.
(H) Mean Vm correlations for spontaneous, visually-evoked and post-stimulus activity during stationary (black) and running (red) epochs. Circles represent data from individual pairs. Diamonds are population means.
See also Figure S3.