Figure 2. Spatial exploration gives rise to plasticity-dependent emergence of spatio-temporal structure in spontaneous activity.
(a) Snapshots of the connectivity during the exploration of a novel environment. During early exploration, the connectivity is not correlated with the place-field ordering, while during late exploration cells with neighboring place-fields are more strongly connected. (b) i. The mean cross-correlation of the activity of place cells with adjacent place fields on a novel track during exploration (sequential correlation SC). Black: SC during active exploration (theta-activity), Orange: SC during spontaneous bursts. Note the sharp transition in the SC of burst activity. ii. The SC of the total activity binned into 3 min intervals shows a steady increase preceding the transition. (c) Burst activity exhibits replay after a critical period. i. Early exploration. Top: average input to place cells before (blue star), during (black star) and after period of ‘quiet wakefulness’. Bottom: space-time plots of the place cell input and firing rate. Note the disordered spatio-temporal structure of the burst activity. ii. Later exploration. After a critical transition time bursts exhibit sequential replay of activity from the novel track. Note the sequential structure of the burst activity.