Figure 4: Across-stage overlap analyses between ensembles identified during different stages of one social behavior test.
(A) Left panel: a matrix illustrates definitions for ON-ON intra-behavior (red circles) and ON-ON inter-behavior (blue squares) overlaps. OFF-OFF intra-behavior and OFF-OFF inter-behavior overlaps follow the same principle. H, habituation; SB, sociability; SN, social novelty. Dir, direct-exploration; Self, self-directed activities; Irr, irrelevant exploration. Right panel: Statistical results showing across-stage ON-ON and OFF-OFF intra- and inter-behavior overlaps and those predicted by chance based on random selection (Rand), n = 18 mice. (B) Left panel: illustrations showing the definition for ON-OFF intra-behavior overlap (triangles) for each annotated behavior. Right panel: Statistical results showing across-stage ON-OFF intra-behavior overlap and those predicted by chance based on random selection (Rand), n = 18 mice. (C) Comparisons of Direct-ON and Direct-OFF neural ensembles identified from the two 5-minute halves of the same stage (n = 18 mice). (D) Comparisons of Direct-ON and Direct-OFF neural ensemble identified from a full-length 10-minute period versus the union ensemble of the two 5-minute halves, n = 18 mice. Data were represented as mean ± SEM. See also Figure S3 and Table S1.