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. 2018 Nov 8;8:245. doi: 10.1038/s41398-018-0281-9

Fig. 3. DISC1 exon 8 and exon 12 mutations converge on differential expression of a limited number of genes by RNA sequencing.

Fig. 3

af RNA was collected from day 21 iNs and used for RNA sequencing. n = 4 for WTex8, 4 for MUTex8, 3 for WTex12, 4 for MUTex12. a Volcano plot of RNA sequencing data of all wild type (WTex8 and WTex12) vs all mutant (MUTex8 and MUTex12). Statistics: two-stage linear step-up procedure of Benjamini, Krieger, and Yejutieli, with Q = 5%. Dotted line shows threshold of significance for Q = 5%. bf RNAseq data for individual genes as shown, by genotype. gk Day 21 iN culture RNA was collected and used for qRT-PCR for select genes as shown, normalized to GAPDH. n = 12 for WTex8, 12 for MUTex8, 12 for WTex12, 12 for MUTex12, from three independent differentiations. See also Supp. Table 3