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. 2018 Nov 2;9:890. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00890

Table 2.

Baseline demographics for enrolled subjects comparing subjects meeting criteria for mental health disorders vs. subjects who do not.

Depression, anxiety, and/or PTSD P-value
Overall Absent Present
n 55 42 13
Age, mean (SD) 63 (12) 64 (12) 62 (14) 0.74*
Female sex 42% 41% 46% 0.72**
Race 0.52
  White 51% 55% 39%
  Black 44% 38% 62%
  Asian/Pacific Islander 4% 5% 0.0%
  Other 2% 2% 0.0%
Hispanic ethnicity 2% 2% 0.0% 1.00
Education 0.10
  Did not graduate HS 9% 5% 23%
  HS graduate 46% 52% 23%
  Some college 29% 26% 39%
  Grad/Prof degree 16% 17% 15%
Employed pre-stroke 58% 57% 62% 0.78**
Currently married 62% 62% 62% 0.98**
Household size, median (IQR) 2 (2, 4) 2 (2, 4) 3 (2, 4) 0.47
Days from stroke to survey, median (IQR) 276 (226, 320) 273 (226, 330) 278 (234, 295) 0.42

PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; SD, standard deviation; HS, high school; Grad, graduate degree; Prof, other professional degree; IQR, interquartile range.


Student's t-test.


Chi-squared test.

Fisher's exact test.

Wilcoxon Rank Sum.