Figure 4.
Motion tracking using contrast-enhanced video images: (A) Top left image: original, raw video image with pixel intensities normalized to minimal and maximal values in entire video (I(x, y) ∈ [0, 1]). Top right image: contrast-enhanced video image used for motion tracking (Ic(x, y) ∈ [0, 1]) with pixel intensities normalized by minimal and maximal value in local neighborhood (disk-shaped region ) around each pixel. Resulting contrast-enhanced images show maximally intensified short-scale image gradients and suppressed large-scale image gradients. (B) Schematic of motion tracking procedure with tracking of contrast-enhanced images Ic. The original video images I are deformed using the inverse tracking data to obtain motion-stabilized or warped videos Iw(x, y, t), which are then further post-processed, i.e., pixel-wise normalized ().