Activation of the Akt/mTOR pathway by reverse mKitL signaling. a Intracellular flow cytometry analysis of Akt S473, mTOR S2448, and Rps6 S235/S236 phosphorylation in NIH3T3 cells co-cultured with NIH-Venus or NIH-Kit cells as indicated (N = 7, two experiments). Values are normalized MFI (NIH-Venus mean = 100). Bars show mean ± s.e.m. P-value is shown (Student’s t-test). b Representative intracellular flow cytometry plots measuring Rps6 S235/S236 phosphorylation in NIH3T3 cells co-cultured with NIH-Venus or NIH-Kit cells, as indicated. Gating shows cells with high phospho-Rps6 levels. Data are representative of seven experiments. c Percentage of phospho-Rps6 positive cells in NIH3T3 cells co-cultured with NIH-Venus or NIH-Kit cells in b (N = 7, two experiments). Bars show mean percentage of S235/S236 positive cells ± s.e.m normalized to the average value for NIH-Venus ( = 100). P-value is shown (Student’s t-test). d CREB phopho-Ser133 MFI (left) and percentage CREB phopho-Ser133 positive cells (right) in NIH3T3 cells co-cultured with NIH-Venus or NIH-Kit cells, as indicated (N = 8, two experiments). Bars show mean ± s.e.m. P-value is shown (Student’s t-test). e Representative intracellular flow cytometry plots measuring Ki67 in NIH3T3 cells co-cultured with NIH-Kit cells and treated for 9 h with DMSO, Akt inhibitor (Akti1/2) or CREB inhibitor (666–15), as indicated. Gating shows the Ki67high population. f Percentage of Ki67high cells (left) and Ki67 MFI (right) in NIH3T3 cells co-cultured with NIH-Kit cells and treated for 3, 6, or 9 h (as indicated) with DMSO (n = 13, two experiments), Akt inhibitor (Akti1/2), or CREB inhibitor (666–15), as indicated (N = 6, two experiments, except the Akti1/2 3 h time point where N = 9, two experiments). Bars show mean ± s.e.m. P-value is shown (Student’s t-test)