Table 2.
Clinical utility of gross motor assessment tools
Assessment tool | Time to administer (min) | Test procedure | Target examiner population | Training | Equipment/manual |
Bayley-III31 | 30–90 | Therapist administers in standardised order | Paediatric health professionals early childhood specialists | Formal training not required. DVD, webinars and workshops available | Comprehensive manual/kit: £1089 Test kit provides most equipment |
BOT-212 | 40–60 | Therapist administered in standardised order | Paediatric health professionals early childhood specialists | Formal training not required | Comprehensive manual/kit: £961 Test kit provides most equipment |
MABC-229 | 20–40 | Therapist administers items in standardised order. Some flexibility allowed | Research psychologists, OT, PT, paediatricians | Formal training not required. | Comprehensive manual/kit: £1191 Test kit provides most equipment |
MAND32 | 15–20 | Therapist administers items in standardised order | Professionals, eg, education, neurology, OT, PT, psychology, etc | Formal training not required | Manual and test kit: £1366 (includes equipment) |
NSMDA33 | 20–45 | Observation followed by therapist administration of test items | PT, OT | Formal training not required (but is available) | Comprehensive manual: £35 Equipment not included |
PDMS-234 | 45–60 (20–30 for GM only) | Standardised procedure | Paediatric health professionals, PE teachers, early intervention specialists | Formal training not required | Comprehensive manual/kit: £553 Includes some but not all equipment required |
TGMD-215 | 15–20 | Standardised procedure | Teachers, health professionals (OT, PT, doctors) | Formal training not required | Kit includes manual and record form: £128 Equipment not included |
Bayley-III, Bayley Scale of Infant and Toddler Development third edition31; BOT-2, Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency second edition12; GM, gross motor; MABC-2, Movement Assessment Battery for Children second edition29; MAND, McCarron Assessment of Neuromuscular Development32; NSMDA, Neurological Sensory Motor Developmental Assessment33; OT, occupational therapy; PDMS-2, Peabody Developmental Motor Scales second edition34; PE, physical education; PT, physiotherapy; TGMD-II, Test of Gross Motor Development second edition.15