Table 3.
χ2 | S-Bχ² | df | TLI | R-CFI | R-RMSEA | SRMR | ΔS-Bχ² (Δdf, p) | ΔR-CFI | |
8 year old | 70.404 | 55.9887 | 38 | .888 | .923 | .048[.016, .074] | .061 | ||
9 year old | 91.312 | 68.5602 | 38 | .895 | .927 | .056[.034, .077] | .056 | ||
10 year old | 75.485 | 56.0491 | 38 | .922 | .946 | .048[.016, .074] | .055 | ||
11 year old | 68.499 | 53.4333 | 38 | .956 | .970 | .041[.002, .065] | .049 | ||
Model 0 | 305.701 | 234.3326 | 152 | .920 | .945 | .024[.018, .030] | .055 | ||
Model 1 | 331.759 | 259.6883 | 176 | .930 | .944 | .023[.017, .029] | .065 | 23.5634 (24, .487) | -.001 |
Model 2 | 368.480 | 299.2634 | 209 | .916 | .940 | .023[.017, .028] | .065 | 37.284 (33, .278) | -.004 |
Model 3 | 440.111 | 344.6495 | 251 | .921 | .939 | .021[.016, .026] | .073 | 47.614 (42, .255) | -.001 |
Model 4 | 392.509 | 316.5049 | 227 | .924 | .940 | .022[.016, .027] | .079 | 17.9017 (18, .462) | .000 |
Note. Model 0 = Free model; Model 1 = Model 0 with factor loadings; Model 2 = Model 1 with intercepts; Model 3 = Model 2 with variances and covariances of errors; Model 4 = Model 2 with variances and covariances of factors; S-Bχ2 = Satorra-Bentler χ² scaled; df = degrees of freedom; TLI = Tucker Lewis Index; R-CFI = Robust Comparative Fit Index; R-RMSEA = Robust Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; SRMR = Standardized Root Mean Square Residual; ΔS-Bχ² = S-Bχ² difference test; Δdf = difference between degrees of freedom; ΔR-CFI = R-CFI difference test.