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. 2015 Jun 22;16(1):39–46. doi: 10.1016/j.ijchp.2015.05.004

Table 1.

Risk factors in the Spouse Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) and frequency of presence ratings (N = 90).

SARA Frequency/%)
No/Absent (0) Possibly/Partially present (1) Yes/Present (2)
I. Criminal history
 1. Past assault of family members 87.8 0 12.2
 2. Past assault of strangers or acquaintances 45.6 8.8 45.6
 3. Past violation of conditional release 84.5 1.1 14.4

II. Psychosocial adjustment
 4. Recent partner relationship problems 1.1 0 98.9
 5. Recent employment problems 41.1 10 48.9
 6. Victim and/or witness of childhood violence 51.1 12.2 36.7
 7. Recent Drug Consumption/Abuse 38.8 5.6 55.6
 8. Suicidal and/or homicidal ideas/attempts 66.7 0 33.3
 9. Psychotic and/or manic symptoms 72.2 4.4 23.4
 10.- Personality disorder with anger, impulsivity, or behavioral instability 33.3 66.7

III. Spousal assault history
 11. Past physical assault 54.4 1.1 44.4
 12. Past sexual assault and/or jealousy 37.8 30 32.2
 13. Use of weapons and/or threats of death 47.8 30 22.2
 14. Increase/severity of aggressions 4.4 48.9 46.7
 15. Noncompliance of restraining orders 28.9 28.9 42.2
 16. Minimization or denial of IPV 12.2 48.9 38.9
 17. Attitudes justifying IPV 32.2 41.1 26.7

IV. Index offense factors
 18. Severe and/or sexual assault 95.6 0 4.4
 19. Use of weapons and/or threats of death 48.9 30 21.1
 20. Noncompliance restraining orders 27.8 5.6 66.7

Note. IPV: Intimate Partner Violence.