Figure 2.
Knockdown of GCAWKR Inhibited Cell Proliferation, Colony Formation, and Invasion in GC Cells
(A) Hierarchical clustering analysis of the top 27 genes that were differentially expressed (>2-fold; p < 0.05) in sh-NC-treated cells and shRNA-GCAWKR-treated cells, with three repeats. (B) Gene ontology analysis for all genes with altered expressions. (C) The cell growth rates were determined with CCK-8 proliferation assays. GCAWKR knockdown in SGC7901 and BGC823 cells significantly inhibited cell proliferation. (D) Colony formation assays were used to determine the cell colony formation ability of shRNA-GCAWKR-transfected SGC7901 and BGC823 cells. (E) Effects of GCAWKR knockdown on cell invasion in the presence of the anti-proliferative drug MMC (5 μM) treatment were determined using the transwell assay. *p < 0.05.