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. 2018 Oct;14(5):675–685. doi: 10.2174/1573405613666170428154156

Table 6.

Explored medical denoising and machine learning techniques.

Title, Author, Publication Dataset Features Tools/Techniques Used Classification
Title: “Image denoising using curvelet transform: An approach of edge preserving” [16]
Author: “Anil A Patil and Jyoti Singhai”
Publication: “Journal of Scientific and industrial research (2010)
3 different gray scale images: Lena and Barbara with size 512X512 and Cameraman with size 266X256 Variance Measure, Mean square Error, PSNR value Bayes Shrink soft thresholding model, Edge preserving smoothing algorithm (SNN filter, MHN filter) Generalized Gaussian Distribution Modeling of Sub band Coefficients
Title, Author, Publication Dataset Features Tools/Techniques Used Classification
Title: “A Novel Approach for Classifying Medical Images Using Data Mining Techniques” [20]
Author: “J. Alamelu Mangai, Jagadish Nayak and V. Santhosh Kumar”
Publication: “IJCSEE (2013)”
Retinal fundus images of size 576x720 pixels. Mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis Classifiers such as SVM, kNN, and NB Machine Learning classifiers
Title: “Automated breast cancer detection and classification using ultrasound images: A survey” [22]
Author: “H.D. Cheng, Juan Shan, WenJu, Yanhui Guo, Ling Zhang”
Publication: “Elsevier (2010)”
Standardized Breast Images Spiculation, Elipsoid Shape, Branch Pattern, Brightness of Nodule, Margin Echogenity Filtering, Wavelet approaches, Histogram thresholding, Active Contor Model, MKF, Neural Network, Bayesian Neural Network, Decision Tree, SVM, Template Matching CAD based System detection
Title: “ Image Coding Using Wavelet Transform” [23]
Author: “Marc Antonini, Michel Barlaud, Pierre Mathieu, and Ingrid Daubechies”
“The intensity of each pixel is coded on 256 grey levels (8 bpp), 256 by 256 black and white images.” Entropy, PSNR Wavelet Coefficients, Vector Quantization Machine Learning
Title: “An Efficient Denoising Technique for CT Images using Window based Multi-Wavelet Transformation and Thresholding” [24]
Author: “Syed Amjad Ali, Srinivasan Vathsal, K. Lal Kishore”
Publication: “European Journal of Scientific Research (2010)”
CT images of size 256X256 PSNR values computed, Additive White Gaussian Nose removed Window based Multi-wavelet transformation and thresholding, band pass filtering technique “Multi-wavelet classification windows based”
Title: “A GA-based Window Selection Methodology to Enhance Window-based Multi-wavelet transformation and thresholding aided CT image denoising technique” [25]
Author: “Prof. Syed Amjad Ali, Dr. Srinivasan Vathsal, Dr. K. Lal Kishore”
Publication: “International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (2010)”
Industrial CT volume data sets Number of window selected, Gene length, Mutation Rate, PSNR values Window based Multi-wavelet transformation and thresholding, Genetic algorithm Window Based Multi-wavelet classification
Title: “Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Image Denoising Techniques”[26]
Author: “Charandeep Singh Bedi, Dr. Himani Goyal”
Publication: “International Journal of Computer Applications (2010)”
Standardised Images CoC, PSNR and S/MSE Various Spatial filters like Median Filter, Lee Filter, Kuan Filter, Wiener Filter, Normal Shrink, Bayes Shrink Image Denoising Using Spatial Filters
Title: “Multilevel Threshold Based Image Denoising in Curvelet Domain” [27]
Author: “Nguyen Thanh Binh and Ashish Khare”
Five thousand images of different image sizes: 64 × 64,128 × 128,256 × 256,512 × 512 and 1024×1024 Curvelet coefficients, the mean and the median of absolute curvelet coefficients Curvelet Transformation and Cycle spinning Curvelet based Thresholding
Title, Author, Publication Dataset Features Tools/Techniques Used Classification
Title: “Digital Image Denoising in Medical Ultrasound Images: A Survey” [28]
Author: “N. K. Ragesh, A. R. Anil, Dr. R. Rajesh”
Publication: “ICGST AIML-11 Conference (2011)”
Ultrasound images Scattere density, Texture based contrast, MSE, RMSE, SNR, and PSNR Multi-scale thresholding, Bayesian Estimation and Coefficient correlation, Application of Soft Computing like Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) Designing better algorithms correlating the Ultrasound image formation concepts and advanced Digital image processing techniques
Title: “Adaptive image denoising using cuckoo algorithm” [29]
Author: “Memoona Malik, Faraz Ahsan, Sajjad Mohsin”
Publication: “Springer (2014)”
Standard512× 512 images (‘Lena’, ‘Pirate’, ‘Mandrill’) IQI, VIF, both IQI and PSNR or both IQI and VIF Cuckoo search algorithm Comparisson of Cuckoo Search With existing Artificail intelligence techniques
Title: “Segmentation and detection of breast cancer in mammograms combining wavelet analysis and genetic algorithm” [30]
Author: “Danilo Cesar Pereira, Rodrigo Pereira ramos, Marcelo Zanchetta do Nascimento”
Publication: “Elsevier (2014)”
Database taken from Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) “Distribution separation measure, target to background contrast enhancement measurement based on entropy, target to target background contrast enhancement measurement based on standard deviation, combined enhancement measure” Wavelet transform, genetic algorithm Artifact removal algorithm fusing gray level enhancement method and image denoising and using wavelet transform and wiener filter
Title: “Mixed Curvelet and Wavelet Transforms for Speckle Noise Reduction in Ultrasonic B-Mode Images” [31]
Author: “A.A. Mahmouda, S. El Rabaiea, T.E. Tahaa, O. Zahrana, F.E. Abd El-Samiea and W. AlNauimy”
Publication: “Information Science and computting (2015)”
Six ultrasonic B-mode images (Liver, Kidney, Fetus, Thyroid, Breast and Gall PSNR value, Coefficient of Correlation (CoC) Wavelet and curvelet transform Wavelet transform handles homogeneous areas while curvelet transform handles areas with edges
Title: “Image Denoising Method based on Threshold, Wavelet Transform and Genetic Algorithm” [32]
Author: “Yali Liu”
Publication: “International Journal of Signal Processing (2015)”
Images of Lena and Saturn Planet Hard Threshold Function, Soft Threshold function Wavelet Transform, Genetic Algorithm Genetic Algorithm